Fast forward to the evening of April 13th, and
the participants of my tour were arriving and rearing to go! There were seven
people this year in addition to myself, and it would prove to be a great group
which made the trip that much more enjoyable. Although we didn’t go birding
away from the hotel, which was right by the airport, there were still a few
nice birds that the newcomers were able to add to their lifelists. These
included the omnipresent GREAT-TAILED GRACKLES, a pair of SCISSOR-TAILED
FLYCATCHERS, a cooperative LOGGERHEAD SHRIKE, and fly-over appearances from GREAT,
One of the ubiquitous yet glorious Great-tailed Grackle outside the hotel |
Day 1 (April 14th)—Today
was the first full day of Avocet Tours’ “Texas in Spring: Upper Coast &
Edwards Plateau” Tour 2012 edition. After breakfast, we arrived at our first
stop around 8am—Jesse Jones County Park. This lovely park, only a 10 minute
drive from the airport, provides a good cross-section of East Texas forest
birds, and we were not disappointed. Within minutes of leaving the parking lot
we were treated to great views of ACADIAN FLYCATCHER, YELLOW-THROATED VIREO,
species is always one of the most abundant species each day on the trip but it
never fails to impress us westerners!
Another early highlight was spotted a pair of YELLOW-CROWNED
NIGHT-HERONS nest-building high up in a pine. Further up the trail I could hear
the songs of more treats such as RED-EYED VIREO, SUMMER TANAGER, and NORTHERN
PARULA, and soon we were able to get great views of these species, especially
the male parula, who was foraging low in a Bald Cypress swamp. We inadvertently
flushed a group of WOOD DUCKS, then we had looks at our first RED-BELLIED
WOODPECKER of the trip. The star of the show was yet to come however, when a
male PROTHONOTARY WARBLER popped out low in the trees to serenade us with his
distinctive trilling voice. At one point, he even landed on the boardwalk
beside us! After three visits to Texas, I have found this species to be quite
charismatic and confiding both in migration and on the breeding grounds. And
what’s not to like in terms of looks?!
Up in the canopy we heard several PINE WARBLERS, and at
least one YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER but unfortunately neither came out into view.
We were however lucky enough to spot a foraging BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER
“nuthatching” around on a mossy oak bough. We finished off Jesse Jones with
nice looks at our first BLUE JAYS of the trip, along with brief but
satisfactory looks at a pair of GREAT CRESTED FLYCATCHERS.
Next it was onto another “Jones”—this time W.G. Jones State
Forest, where we hoped to catch up with the endangered Red-cockaded Woodpecker
among other “Piney Woods” specialties. Our effort would unfortunately be
greatly hampered by some strong southerly winds. This made forest birding
difficult across the board, especially if you are trying to listen for
bark-flecking! Although we ended up missing the target woodpecker, we did
manage a few good birds including fantastic views of BROWN-HEADED NUTHATCH,
*Note: The hunt for
the Red-cockaded was not over, as I knew a few spots we could check toward the
end of the tour (more on that later).
After grabbing lunch nearby, I elected to take a more scenic
route (as opposed to the Interstate) as we plied our way westward. This paid
off when we encountered a small migrating group of MISSISSIPPI KITES (at least
9 of them), along with a lone RED-SHOULDERED HAWK. Our elation was quickly
dampened however by a wild-eyed woman who came racing out of her house yelling,
“this is private property, get the hell off!” Even though we were simply pulled
off the highway, next to her gate, we didn’t want to push the envelope in this
part of the world! Ironically, during this whole episode, her husband (who
traditionally should be the paranoid loud-mouth with a shotgun), ignored the
whole situation, choosing to sip a beer while driving around the yard in his
About a half-hour later we reached the Attwater Prairie
Chicken Reserve. Although it’s near impossible to see a prairie-chicken without
participating in a special tour to the lek, there is usually plenty to see
around the reserve itself, as it’s one of the last pristine remnants of Texas
prairie grassland. The wind continued to be strong here but we still managed to
add a few good birds including CRESTED CARACARA, our only WHITE-TAILED HAWK of
the trip, and a good mix of waterbirds that we found in a flooded area. This
was a pleasant surprise since this area had been bone-dry last year. Some of
the birds we encountered here: FULVOUS WHISTLING-DUCKS, MOTTLED DUCK, both
WHITE and WHITE-FACED IBISES, a lone EARED GREBE (our only one for the trip),
brief looks at a retreating LEAST BITTERN, and good numbers of shorebirds
including BLACK-NECKED STILT, both yellowlegs species, and some LONG-BILLED
From here we steamed on westward, past San Antonio, and
finally to our hotel in Hondo, TX. Our final birding highlight of the day came
after a good Mexican meal, when we stopped at a grocery store for supplies.
After returning to the parking-lot, someone asked me what the bird was that was
calling from the lone tree in the parking lot. We walked over to it, and got
good looks at a WESTERN KINGBIRD that was flycatching insects around a nearby
street-light. A nice addition considering the location and time of night!
Day 2(April 15th)—Our
first day in desert scrub and the Hill Country of the Edwards Plateau. Not
surprisingly, there would be many new additions today! Things started off well
when I spotted a lone HARRIS’S HAWK perched on the side of the road near
Sabinal. These desert specialists can be tricky to find this far north and east
and not surprisingly it was our only one of the trip. In the same area, we
picked up a few new sparrows including OLIVE, LARK, VESPER, SAVANNAH, and great
looks the usually secretive GRASSHOPPER SPARROW; in fact there were 3 singing
at one spot! We also heard our first BLACK-CRESTED TITMOUSE of the tour along
Roadside male Yellow-headed Blackbird just south of Concan |
We arrived at Neal’s Lodges around mid-morning. This would
be our base of opperations for the next 2 nights but first, we headed north and
east over to Lost Maples State Natural Area for a late morning hike. The
beautiful park is situated in a small canyon and offers a great mix of birds
from the scrubby junipers that cling to the dry ridge-tops, to the rich
riparian zone that hugs Sabinal Creek. On the drive over, we didn’t see much
other than a single singing HUTTON’S VIREO that offered up uncharacteristically
clear views of this kinglet-esque vireo. Upon arriving at the park headquarters,
a male INDIGO BUNTING hopped up into view, followed by our first ASH-THROATED
FLYCATCHER. The group also had close looks at another LADDER-BACKED WOODPECKER
before we drove up to the trail-head. Along the walk we bumped into several
other birding groups who all seemed to be enjoying the spring birding. Near the
beginning of the trail, a singing HOODED WARBLER evaded most of our patient
stares, but at least the Texas specialities—the GOLDEN-CHEEKED WARBLER and
BLACK-CAPPED VIREO both provided for some brief but nice looks (especially the
warbler!). We spent some time at a small lake near the top of the trail before
turning around. Here we enjoyed point-blank views of a singing RUFOUS-CROWNED
SPARROW, along with a noisy pair of SUMMER TANAGERS. Most of the group got
fleeting glimpses of the vulture-like ZONE-TAILED HAWK that calls the park
home, but unfortunately he/she never stuck around for long.
Rufous-crowned Sparrow "showing well" |
On the walk back
down we ran into a small migrant flock of warblers that contained
WARBLERS (the latter garnering several “oos” and “ahhs”). Unfortunately we
could not find any sign of the local Louisiana Waterthrush that is usually on
territory in the area, however the feeders near where we parked the van were
productive, netting us: CHIPPING, CLAY-COLOURED, and FIELD SPARROWS, along with
HUMMINGBIRDS. We also heard and had a few brief looks at our only BROWN-CRESTED
FLYCATCHER of the trip; a species that seems to be pushing its range gradually
northward from the Rio Grande each year.
Oh and I almost forgot-- We also lucked into this well-concealed gem
Can you spot the screech-owl? |
After lunch, we headed back to Neal’s Lodges in Concan,
where we checked into our respective cabins and had a bit of a rest before
meeting up for a casual stroll along the Frio River. The main target here was a
previously-reported TROPICAL PARULA that had set-up territory near Neal’s in a
tall stand of cypress. I wasn’t sure how much luck we would have in the 4pm
afternoon doldrums so I was very pleased to hear its rising buzzy song
immediately upon reaching the river. We all enjoyed eye-popping views of this
beauty as he sang and foraged at eye-level for a few minutes before returning
to the high canopy.
For the next few mornings I heard this bird singing practically non-stop so I would assume he hasn’t yet found a lady-parula!
For the next few mornings I heard this bird singing practically non-stop so I would assume he hasn’t yet found a lady-parula!
We took an early supper at the dining hall this evening
since we had to head over to the world-famous Frio Bat Cave to catch the dusk
exodus! The cave is on private land, so we were led into the area by a local
naturalist. As we approached the cave, it was not too surprising to see
hundreds of CAVE SWALLOWS swirling around the entrance (“The day shift” as our
guide called them). While the swallows nest near the entrance, the Mexican
Free-tailed Bats (all 10-12 million of them) reside in the far end of the cave,
several hundred meters and further down! As we and a few others waited for
darkness to come, a pair of CANYON WRENS entertained us with boisterous song,
in an apparent attempt to steal the spotlight. A single CACTUS WREN sang from
the scrub down the hill from us but refuse to be seen in plain-sight.
Then it happened…
First there was the faint scent of ammonia, then something
else… guano perhaps? The suddenly, the air was flooded with the sound of
thousands of wing-beats, as the bats poured out of the cave right over our
heads. We all agreed that this was one of those experiences that everyone must
have at some point. We watched with excitement as a pair of RED-TAILED HAWKS
swooped in to snag bats on the wing, and continued to exchange looks of
amazement as more and more bats poured out of the earth. Apparently this is the
second-largest concentration of vertebrates in the entire world, the first one
being a similar cave near San Antonio. Apparently this one colony can consume
over 100 tons of moths and other insects each night!!! For the BBC fans out
there, this is the same cave that Sir David Attenborough visited to film two
episodes of “Life of Mammals.”
For a video I took of the spectacle, click HERE.
For a video I took of the spectacle, click HERE.
With our two-day trip list now standing around 100 species,
this was a truly phenomenal way to end the day.
Day 3(April 16th)—We
left Neal’s early this morning, and headed south to the city of Uvalde. The
purpose for stopping here is to find Rio Grande specialists that have been
pushing north into the mesquite woodlands in the area. Last year we recorded
Great Kiskadee, Couch’s Kingbird, and Bronzed Cowbirds (among others), so we
were hoping for some goodies. Unfortunately we missed all of those species
mentioned, but good birds were still to be had. At our first stop, we tallied
our first BLACK-BELLIED WHISTLING-DUCK of the trip then saw a pair with
ducklings at the next stop. In the same area we spotted a LONG-BILLED THRASHER
as it darted across the road, then when we got out, we realized it was sitting
in a bush beside a CURVE-BILLED THRASHER! Not a bad combo and I believe this is
the first time that Avocet Tours has recorded Curve-billed in Texas, away from
the Rio Grande. We also got some good looks at a singing OLIVE SPARROW, a few
more ASH-THROATED FLYCATCHERS, and our first BELL’S VIREO. At one point, when I
walked back to get the van, I noticed a PYRRHULOXIA land on a telephone wire
above the groups head. Not wanting to scare it a crept along the road in the
van then called out as carefully as possible. Unfortunately only two people
heard me and only managed fleeting looks as the bird dropped down from the wire
into the brush, never to be seen again.
Bobwhite sneakin' away |
We arrived at Kickapoo around noon, and shared a picnic site
with a showy little VERMILLION FLYCATCHER, while good numbers of BELL’S VIREOS
and YELLOW-BREASTED CHATS burbled in the bushes. Another male HOODED ORIOLE put
on a good show, and we never got tired of kicking up LARK SPARROWS and INDIGO
BUNTINGS from the grassy areas. It’s a fair drive from Neal’s to Kickapoo but
it’s certainly worth it for the birds and quiet. This is my second time here
and I still haven’t seen another birder! It also happens to be one of the best
places in Texas to see BLACK-CAPPED VIREOS, along with good numbers of Bell’s,
White-eyed, and the occasional Gray Vireo. We chased around 4 or 5 BLACK-CAPPED
VIREOS and managed some brief looks at a few of them, along with awesome looks
at a singing WHITE-EYED VIREO. Unforuntately there were no Painted Buntings
around yet (too early?), but FIELD SPARROW numbers seemed higher than in past
years. A single calling VERDIN frustratingly got away before any of us could
get clear looks at it, but a male SCOTT’S ORIOLE whistling from atop a tall
tree soon distracted us.
Vermillion Flycatcher (male) eyeing up the tour-van |
Once back at Neal’s, the group dispersed to spend the rest
of the afternoon relaxing. During this time, Adrian Leather (of Quesnel), and
Val George (of Victoria) had brief looks at 3 male PAINTED BUNTINGS coming to a
local feeder, while down along the Frio River, Carolyn McGhee (also of Prince
George) and Joyce & John Henderson (of Salmon Arm) were treated to a BLACK
PHOEBE while taking a dip. As always, Neal’s provided us with a warm spring
evening, filled with the coos of INCA, WHITE-WINGED, MOURNING, and EURASIAN
COLLARED-DOVES, along with the whines of LESSER GOLDFINCHES, and the
ever-present kettles of BLACK and TURKEY VULTURES overhead.
Frio River at Neal's Lodges |
That evening I heard a CHUCK-WILL’S-WIDOW calling from
somewhere down by the river. I was checking emails up by the office so I ran
down to get closer and alert the others. Unfortunately, by the time I got back
to the cabins the bird had moved up the river then stopped calling. At least
Joyce and John were able to hear it before it moved on.
Day 4(April 17th)—Our
last morning at Neal’s; Everyone met up at “The Cattleguard” feeding
station/bird drip for some pre-breakfast birding. At the feeder we enjoyed
more excitingly—2 gorgeous BLACK-THROATED SPARROWS! Adrian pointed out a
CAROLINA CHICKADEE that was feeding young in a small cavity nearby, while
another BELL’S VIREO came out into the open for a good look. We took a short
stroll up the hill and were rewarded with another black-and-yellow male SCOTT’S
ORIOLE, along with our only LINCOLN’S SPARROW, and CANYON TOWHEE of the trip
(the latter species being more exciting than the sparrow for the British
Columbians!). The towhee was particularly satisfying since it was a male that
just sat out in the open singing. Another mischievous VERDIN darted past,
giving several people a fleeting look at this “golden-chickadee” of the desert.
One of the thousands of Red Admiral butterflies that were gathering along the edges of the Frio River |
Canyon Towhee singing at dawn |
A better look at a male Scott's Oriole! |
Morning view from Neal's Cafe |
Yellow-breasted Chat |
From here, we continued south toward Sabinal, stopping briefly when we almost shmucked a pair of COMMON GROUND-DOVES (our only ones of the trip—and fully alive and well), then again at the Sabinal Feedlot, where we scoped through hundreds of BREWER’S BLACKBIRDS and BROWN-HEADED COWBIRDS but could not locate any of the hoped-for Bronzed Cowbirds. We did however count 5 YELLOW-HEADED BLACKBIRDS, which is always a good bird for central and east Texas.
We made a stop near Hondo to give the desert species one
last go, but only managed to turn up things we had already seen such as
CASSIN’S SPARROW, ASH-THROATED FLYCATCHER, and another devilishly evasive
We ate our lunch near Castroville, then proceeded east into
San Antonio, where I drove to a site known for Monk Parakeets. Having never
been here before, I didn’t know where to look for them. We scanned high and low
RED-TAILED HAWK nesting on top of a high cell-tower. Just as we were about to
leave however, we heard a grating, screeching sound, then we spotted them! Over
in an electrical station were several balls of sticks jammed in between a
series of steel beams. This is where they were nesting! We counted at least 8
MONK PARAKEETS, and watched as a pair exchanged sticks and nuzzled each other.
Apparently this species nests communally in that one nest will have 4 or 5
entrances for different pairs. Always nice to add a parrot to the list!
From San Antonio, we drove straight past Houston to Winnie,
where we would be spending the next 4 nights. Nice to get the long drives out
of the way! Here we met up with Chris’s group who were staying entirely on the
upper coast. We dined at the famous “Al-T’s” Cajun restaurant and went home
tired and happy—excited for the big day that was to come.
Day 5(April 18)—Today
was our first day on the Texas Upper Coast, where we hoped to pick up a bounty
of trans-Gulf migrants as well as a good mix of seashore birds. As we drove
south from Winnie to the fabled migrant-trap—High Island—we counted our first
BOAT-TAILED GRACKLES of the year and had quick looks at a fly-by AMERICAN
When we arrived at Boy Scout Woods, the headquarters of High
Island birding, it was immediately clear that the birds we “in.” Before leaving
the parking-lot we had jaw-dropping looks at both SUMMER and SCARLET TANAGERS,
as well as a small group of ORCHARD ORIOLES joined by a couple INDIGO BUNTINGS,
members of the group saw a male PAINTED BUNTING, while several TENNESSEE
WARBLERS were seen by all. As we walked around the oak grove at Boy Scout, the
most conspicuous species was certainly GRAY CATBIRD, and this wouldn’t change
over the next few days. It seemed that every bush at two or three mewing or
scratching about. Warbler diversity was fairly low, but we were still pleased
and a PROTHONOTARY WARBLER. We also had good looks at our first WOOD THRUSHES.
Yellow-throated Vireo--yep I'd say so |
We had heard that there were more warblers over at the
nearby “Smith Oaks” sanctuary, so off we went for another short walk. Here we
list, along with our first COMMON YELLOWTHROATS of the trip. Even better was a
single KENTUCKY WARBLER that only Adrian got onto, and a female CERULEAN
WARBLER that thankfully showed quite well for the whole group. NORTHERN PARULAS
and AMERICAN REDSTARTS were also tallied, and a few BROWN THRASHERS were nice
to get looks at.
Satisfied with the morning’s haul, we headed out onto the
Bolivar Peninsula in search of seashore and saltmarsh species. We stopped first
at Rollover Pass, where we were instantly greeted by a large mixed flock of
gulls, terns, and shorebirds. Careful work with the bins and scope sorted them
SEMIPALMATED and LEAST SANDPIPERS…. Phew! Oh, and did I mention the 5 or 6
species of heron, BROWN PELICANS, 40 AMERICAN AVOCETS, and large group of
Wilson's Plover with crab |
As I always say, “A bad day birding in Texas in April is a
great day of birding.”
Clapper Rail strolling away |
A little ways further along the peninsula we stopped in along a side-road that provided for close looks at several WHIMBREL, as well as more of both WILLETS and WILSON’S PLOVERS. The major highlight here was getting good looks at a CLAPPER RAIL as it swam along a ditch then walked away through the sedges. The great thing about Clappers is that they’re often too big to hide in the grass! We also managed some scope views of a couple lingering NELSON’S SPARROWS (always great to see!), and lucked into a small group of foraging STILT SANDPIPERS. A lone SEDGE WREN chattered about 10m off the road but never came into view.
Next we headed out onto the beach at the Bolivar Flats Shorebird Sanctuary. Here we found numerous SANDERLINGS, as well as a bunch of shorebirds we previously had at Rollover Pass. We added the declining PIPING PLOVER however, along with a few other new ones like RED-BREASTED MERGANSER, LESSER SCAUP, and HORNED LARK.
After lunch we returned to Boy Scout Woods where things
seemed to have quieted down a fair bit. On our way there, I was very pleased to
find a male BRONZED COWBIRD at a feeder at the local RV Park. This species is
rare on the upper coast but has been showing up more frequently in recent
years. After passing on the sighting to a few others, word spread quickly and it
seems as if many people were able to relocate the bird over the next week.
Since there was little in the way of warbler action at Smith
Oaks, we opted to walk over to the nearby heron “rookery” (as they call it).
Here, hundreds of GREAT, SNOWY, and CATTLE EGRETS, join with TRICOLORED HERONS,
ROSEATTE SPOONBILLS, and NEOTROPIC CORMORANTS, to form an impressive display of
plumes and noise. They all nest on a series of islands in a small man-made lake
which can be easily viewed by a series of platforms set up by the Houston
Audubon Society. In addition to the nesting show, we also had obscured but
satisfactory looks at our only PURPLE GALLINULE of the trip!
Since it was getting late in the afternoon, we opted to head
back to Winnie, stopping briefly at some flooded fields near Anahuac National
Wildlife Refuge. Here we picked up a good number of BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPERS,
along with at least 5 AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVERS.
Great Egret showing off |
We finished the day with an impressive 134 species!
Day 6(April 19th)—We
awoke today to a sunny calm. Certainly pleasant weather for birding although
not conducive for big warbler numbers (since they can continue north, well
beyond the coast when flying conditions are ideal). Still, we had faith that
today would be a good day. We were headed to Sabine Pass, right on the
Louisiana Border, where Chris Charlesworth’s British tour group had had some
good numbers of warblers the previous day, along with a few other treats.
We ended up taking a slightly longer route (via Beaumont, TX)
but this paid off when several FISH CROWS fly past the vehicle as we crossed
Taylor Bayou (a known hotspot for this species at the western end of its
range). From there, we arrived at Sabine Woods around 830 AM. This sanctuary is
owned by the Texas Ornithological Society, and is similar to High Island in
that it is a nice stand of live oak, located near the coast, surrounded by
saltmarsh and ranch-land—It is a magnet for trans-gulf migrants. Although the
weather was sunny and calm, with light southerlies, there were still a fair
amount of warblers lingering from the northerly front of a couple days ago.
Soon after paying the entrance fee, we were looking at our first BLUE-WINGED
WARBLER, followed closely by a male AMERICAN REDSTART, and a pair of BLACK-AND-WHITE
WARBLERS. As we meandered around the trails, it was clear that the most
abundant warbler was TENNESSEE WARBLER, making for many comments like this,
“Oh! Oh! Aw no, just another Tennessee.” Shame on us! YELLOW WARBLERS and
NORTHERN PARULAS could be heard singing but avoided our bins, but luckily we
were all able to get onto a sneaky OVENBIRD that crept quietly along the ground
underneath a thick canopy of young oaks. Several PALM WARBLERS performed well,
along with a single BLUE-GRAY GNATCATCHER, and a handful of WOOD THRUSHES.
I was starting to wonder where all the people were. We had
seen about 10 vehicles parked outside yet we had only run into one person after
30 minutes of birding! Then it became clear. Someone rain down the path toward
us and asked (panting), “Do you know where the Black-whiskered Vireo is? My
friend said he just saw it.” We shook our heads. I knew that one of these rare
vireos from Florida and the Antilles had been spotted two days previous but I
thought it was long gone. We heard more shouts, and jogged down the path to a
clearing where everyone had gathered. Apparently we had missed it by 5 minutes!
Dang… We spread out with the other birders, hoping to relocate it, but could
see nothing but the similar-looking RED-EYED VIREO. Val also saw a WORM-EATING
WARBLER, while the rest of the group managed to all see both WHITE-EYED and
YELLOW-THROATED VIREOS. About ten minutes past, then someone informed us that
the vireo was being seen again, this time in the centre of the sanctuary. We
tracked down the shouts of joy and sounds of camera shutters and this time we
were in luck—the bird was foraging at eye level only 10 meters away! At times
it was well-hidden in the foliage, but then it would hop out into view,
apparently uncaring of human attention. This was a lifer for everyone including
Birding Sabine Woods |
Buoyed by are triumphant vireo addition, we piled back into
the van and headed to the coastal saltmarshes of Texas Point. Along the
pothole-ridden Pilot Station Road, we tallied a nice variety of wetland and
common in this habitat, but we also had good looks at a few groups of WHIMBREL,
LEAST, FORSTER’S, and ROYAL TERNS were present in good numbers anytime we
looked up, while BOAT-TAILED GRACKLES squealed from nearby fence-posts. At
least 5 SEASIDE SPARROWS came into view for us—lifer for most, although we
didn’t find any Nelson’s Sparrows which typically winter here.
In addition to the marsh and ocean birds, this road can also
be productive for migratory passerines that sometimes concentrate in the row of
tamarisks that line the road (since there is no other habitat for them). Based
on the weather, I wasn’t expecting much, but it was actually quite productive.
The star of the show was a YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO, who flushed a few times before
we were all able to see it perched out in the open. This prize was joined by
Part of the crew at Texas Point |
Yellow-billed Cuckoo hiding in the tamarisks |
Sneaky Prairie Warbler bouncing around on the other side of the slough |
After following the seemingly oblivious brush-mover for
about 5-10minutes, we finally made it to the S.O. parking area, and trotted over
to the far side of the sanctuary to where the bird had supposedly been recently
seen. Like our first experience with the Black-whisker however, there were
several, “it was just on that branch about 10 minutes ago” comments. We
searched high and low for the bird, along with about ten other diligent
birders, but no one could turn it up again. But we were not completely shut
out. We enjoyed close looks at another HOODED WARBLER, along with a
of the trip, and a beauty he was. We also got brief looks at our first
BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO of the trip, along with clearer views of a singing EASTERN
On our way back to Winnie, we made one final stop near
Anahuac, along the “Skillern Tract.” Having missed Black-crowned Night-Heron
last year, I wanted to make sure we snagged it and I knew that this was a good
place for them but only in evening. Sure enough, we counted over a dozen
BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS. The other nice pick-up here was a very obliging
KING RAIL that called incessantly as it walked along the edge of a roadside
ditch. Thanks buddy! 123 species today.
Day 7(April 20th)—Our
first birding area today was Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge. Much of the vegetation
and dykes in this expansive wetland refuge were devastated by Hurricane Ike in September,
2008, but thanks to the efforts of refuge staff and volunteers, as well as the
resilience of nature, the birds are returning in good numbers to the sedge-flats,
cattails, ponds, and fields.
We stopped in first to the Skillern Tract (where we found
the Black-crowned Night-Herons the evening previous). Finally we were all able
to get views of several COMMON GALLINULES, one of which had some chicks.
Several LEAST BITTERNS sang from the cattails and one popped up into view for a
few seconds. There were good numbers of waterfowl and herons about, but I was
pleasantly surprised when I flushed a BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO from a low shrub
beside the slough next to our van!
After a pit-stop at the main Anahuac headquarters, we
embarked on a driving loop through the main unit of the refuge. The bounty of
wetland birds continued with our first GULL-BILLED TERNS of the trip (a pair
doing a courtship display), a good mix of ducks and herons, and several new
shorebirds including 2 WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPERS and a flock of 10 WILSON’S
PHALAROPES. While other birds like this LEAST BITTERN put on a great show for
the group, we were also pretty jazzed up by all the AMERICAN ALLIGATORS that
sun-bathed beside the road. Some real doozies!
Least Bittern |
Glad he's on the other side |
We finished off the day behind a realty building near
Chrystal Beach on the Bolivar Pen—here we found 7 UPLAND SANDPIPERS in their
usual field. Yes—birds are everywhere on the Texas Coast!
Day 8(April 21st)—This
morning the winds had changed. After yesterday’s calm southerlies, she was
blowing a gale from the north—good news for us? Or were the winds too strong?
Trans-Gulf migrants typically take off from the Yucatan coast at night, then
drop into Texas in the afternoon. Larger songbirds like grosbeaks and orioles
usually make it in around lunchtime while warblers usually don’t make it across
until mid-afternoon. Northerly winds that hit them as they cross the Gulf can
tire them out and push them down onto the coast, but the front reaches Mexico
before the birds take off, then they won’t leave at all!
We thought it would be a good idea to head straight to High
Island just in case there was some sort of a “fall-out.” Upon arriving, the
steady procession of dejected faces leaving Boy Scout Woods seemed to indicate
that the birds had not come. Since it was still early in the morning, I figured
we might have a good chance to pick up a singing or calling Gray-cheeked
Thrush, since they’re almost always around this patch of woods at this time of
year, but can be impossible to find later in the day when they’re not calling.
Sure enough, as we rounded the corner near “Prothonotary Pond,” I heard several
burry notes and there on the ground about 10 feet from us was a GRAY-CHEEKED
THRUSH. Splendid.
Checkin' out a Gray-cheeked Thrush |
Since it was otherwise pretty quiet in the woods, we opted
to head out along the Bolivar Peninsula to try and clean up some of the
waterbirds we were missing. The winds were strong, but there were still quite a
lot of birds feeding out on the sandbars at Rollover Pass. Loads of terns and
shorebirds all performed well—especially a large group of AMERICAN AVOCETS that
demonstrated their unique swishing technique. We also tallied 4 REDDISH
EGRETS—giving us the complete North American heron sweep!
Next it was on to Bolivar Flats where we were once again
unable to locate a Snowy Plover, but we did manage to find a good number of RED
KNOTS as well as an impressive tally of the other cool plovers—38 WILSON’S and
25 PIPING! A single WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER allowed for a close approach in a
small puddle on the beach, and the whole group got some nice looks at a few
HORNED LARKS. Our only GREATER SCAUP of the trip was spotted sleeping on the
beach, and Val pointed out a RUBY-THROATED HUMMINGBIRD that flew in off the
Moulting Reddish Egret with swishing American Avocets |
Late last night, I saw a report online of a “possible
Tropical Mockingbird” at Sabine Woods. I didn’t want to change our whole
itinerary based on a single “possible” bird and I knew we would have at least
one more chance to head over there if the bird was confirmed and sticking
around. Well thanks to the power of cell-phone technology, we were told back at
High Island (after lunch) that the bird was indeed showing well and had been
allegedly confirmed to be a Tropical Mockingbird—the first record for the
United States if accepted! With little doing around Boy Scout and Smith Oaks,
it was time to load up and head back toward Louisiana!
Along the way a few more FISH CROWS made an appearance,
again in the vicinity of Taylor Bayou. We made it to Sabine Woods by 2pm, and
sure enough, 50+ vehicles were parked along the road. We entered the sanctuary
to find that the bird had been seen recently but was currently MIA. With all
those eyes, it didn’t take long before someone re-find it and soon we were all
trying to pick out the fieldmarks that make the TROPICAL MOCKINGBIRD different
from the common Northern Mocker. The black wings were obvious, both in flight
and at rest, and a few times when the bird flew and then spread its tail-feathers
to land, we could see the “tell-tail” pattern.
The Tropical Mockingbird is a common species in the Yucatan
and further south into South America. It is generally non-migratory and this no
doubt has contributed to its absence from the USA! This was the first time any
of us had witnessed an “ABA First,” (Pending an official ruling) so there were smiles all around. Like High
Island, warblering was slow around Sabine Woods but we did pick up a few
goodies on our short walk such as a single ACADIAN FLYCATCHER and a female
Poor photo of Tropical Mocker--showing the black wings |
Tonight we spent the night in Lumberton where we dined at
the “Catfish Cabin.” Good reviews all around. We went out owling after dinner
around Village Creek State Park (our first taste of “The Big Thicket.”
Unfortunately the best we could find in the bird department was a distant
calling BARRED OWL and a night-singing NORTHERN CARDINAL. The stars were
fantastic however, and the variety of crickets, frogs, and fire-flies made for
an enjoyable evening.
This Swainson's Warbler being uncharacteristically obliging |
The dawn chorus of songbirds here was quite productive, with the chips, slurs, and whistles of many other Texas breeders like WHITE-EYED, YELLOW-THROATED, and RED-EYED VIREOS, CAROLINA CHICKADEE, TUFTED TITMOUSE, BLUE-GRAY GNATCATCHER, PROTHONOTARY, HOODED, PINE, and YELLOW-THROATED WARBLERS, NORTHERN PARULA, and SUMMER TANAGERS, all chiming in. This park borders on a large reservoir of the Neches River. At the water’s edge, a BALD EAGLE flushed from a large cottonwood, then later on back at the parking lot we had good looks at both RED-BELLIED and RED-HEADED WOODPECKERS, but we could only hear the squeaky calls of a single BROWN-HEADED NUTHATCH.
The group welcoming the morning at Martin Dies, Jr. State Park |
Anyways, we headed over my usual sparrow spot, and right
away we could hear another BACHMANN’S SPARROW singing. Problem was—it was about
100m off the road. We waited for a while but it seemed clear that this bird had
no intention of moving closer so we trekked out through the shrubs (this just
happened to be the one part of the woods with a healthy crop of poison ivy). We
did our best to avoid the three-leaved plants and did our best to try and track
down the sparrow. But after about 15 minutes of scanning, and the bird moving
or shutting up… well we just couldn’t get on it, then he went totally silent.
Given that we had a big day ahead of us, we decided to leave—unfortunately with
a “heard only” marked beside the Bachmann’s.
But things picked up soon enough. After piling into the van,
we headed south, back toward Winnie following a route I had never taken before.
We were driving through an area of thick second-generation forest, so I was a
bit surprised to see several raptors circling over the road ahead of
us—vultures on some road kill? No they’re really white underneath… Swainson’s
Hawk? No wait… SWALLOW-TAILED KIIIIIITTEESSS!!!!!!!!!!!! I pulled off to the
side of the road immediately and all 8 of us piled out in time to watch 3 of
these beauties—perhaps the World’s most elegant bird of prey—glide low over the
road, not sure why. Then another raptor came into view—a BROAD-WINGED HAWK! A
lifer for some and quite a relief, as this was our only one of the trip!
From there we continued south through the mixed woods and
farm-land to Winnie, then onward to High Island, where not surprisingly, things
were still fairly slow. We took one last walk around Smith Oaks, and were quite
happy to get great looks at a male CERULEAN WARBLER as well as both BLACKPOLL
Do I really need a caption? |
Male Blackpoll Warbler |
A pleasant addition to the trip-list: Tropical Kingbirds |
Once on the island, we headed straight for the causeway to Pelican Island where Texas A&M has a campus. Here it didn’t take long to find the previously-reported pair of TROPICAL KINGBIRDS—a nice add to our list as this species is quite rare in East Texas (but rapidly increasing in population in the Rio Grande).
Our final birding stop of the tour was Offatt’s Bayou, where a group of COMMON LOONS were known to be lingering about. Sure enough there were 10 of them floating out in the middle of the bay—my first for Texas, and somewhat of a humorous “last bird” of Texas 2012 for the British Columbian crew!
We returned to Houston for a late dinner and a final tally
of the bird list—274! Quite an improvement on the 259 from last year (which was
an all-time high for Avocet Tours on this route), so you could say we did quite
Wish you were on this tour and want to know when the next one is happening? Come with me to California/Arizona in Aug/Sep!!! Check HERE for details.
Here is the complete list (Highlights in CAPS):
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck |
Fulvous Whistling-Duck
Wood Duck
American Wigeon
Mottled Duck
Blue-winged Teal
Northern Shoveler
Lesser Scaup
Red-breasted Merganser
Northern Bobwhite
Common Loon
Pied-billed Grebe
Neotropic Cormorant
Double-crested Cormorant
Brown Pelican
American Bittern
Least Bittern
Great Blue Heron
Great Egret
Snowy Egret
Little Blue Heron
Tricolored Heron
Reddish Egret
Cattle Egret
Green Heron
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
White Ibis
White-faced Ibis
Roseate Spoonbill
Black Vulture
Turkey Vulture
White-tailed Kite
Mississippi Kite
Northern Harrier
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Cooper's Hawk
Red-shouldered Hawk
Broad-winged Hawk
Swainson's Hawk
Zone-tailed Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
Crested Caracara
American Kestrel
Peregrine Falcon
Clapper Rail
King Rail
Purple Gallinule
Common Gallinule
American Coot
Black-bellied Plover
American Golden-Plover
Wilson's Plover
Semipalmated Plover
Piping Plover
American Oystercatcher
Black-necked Stilt
American Avocet
Spotted Sandpiper
Solitary Sandpiper
Greater Yellowlegs
Lesser Yellowlegs
Upland Sandpiper
Marbled Godwit
Ruddy Turnstone
Red Knot
Semipalmated Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper
White-rumped Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper
Stilt Sandpiper
Buff-breasted Sandpiper
Short-billed Dowitcher
Long-billed Dowitcher
Wilson's Snipe
Wilson's Phalarope
Laughing Gull
Franklin's Gull
Ring-billed Gull
Herring Gull
Least Tern
Gull-billed Tern
Caspian Tern
Black Tern
Common Tern
Forster's Tern
Royal Tern
Sandwich Tern
Black Skimmer
Rock Pigeon
Eurasian Collared-Dove
White-winged Dove
Mourning Dove
Inca Dove
Common Ground-Dove
Monk Parakeet
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Black-billed Cuckoo
Greater Roadrunner
Eastern Screech-Owl
Barred Owl (Heard only)
Common Nighthawk
Chuck-will's-widow (Heard only)
Chimney Swift
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Black-chinned Hummingbird
Belted Kingfisher
Red-headed Woodpecker
Golden-fronted Woodpecker
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Ladder-backed Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Red-cockaded Woodpecker
Pileated Woodpecker
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Acadian Flycatcher
Alder/Willow Flycatcher
Black Phoebe
Eastern Phoebe
Vermilion Flycatcher
Ash-throated Flycatcher
Great Crested Flycatcher
Tropical Kingbird
Western Kingbird
Eastern Kingbird
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
Loggerhead Shrike
White-eyed Vireo
Bell's Vireo
Black-capped Vireo
Yellow-throated Vireo
Warbling Vireo
Philadelphia Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
Western Scrub-Jay
American Crow
Fish Crow
Chihuahuan Raven
Common Raven
Horned Lark
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Purple Martin
Tree Swallow
Barn Swallow
Cliff Swallow
Cave Swallow
Carolina Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
Black-crested Titmouse
Brown-headed Nuthatch
Cactus Wren
Canyon Wren
Carolina Wren
Bewick's Wren
House Wren
Sedge Wren
Marsh Wren
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Eastern Bluebird
Gray-cheeked Thrush
Swainson's Thrush
Wood Thrush
American Robin
Gray Catbird
Northern Mockingbird
Brown Thrasher
Long-billed Thrasher
European Starling
Cedar Waxwing
Worm-eating Warbler
Louisiana Waterthrush
Blue-winged Warbler
Golden-winged Warbler
Black-and-white Warbler
Prothonotary Warbler
Swainson's Warbler
Tennessee Warbler
Orange-crowned Warbler
Nashville Warbler
Kentucky Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
Hooded Warbler
American Redstart
Cerulean Warbler
Northern Parula
Magnolia Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
Yellow Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Palm Warbler
Pine Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Yellow-throated Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Golden-cheeked Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Wilson's Warbler
Yellow-breasted Chat
Olive Sparrow
Spotted Towhee
Rufous-crowned Sparrow
Canyon Towhee
Cassin's Sparrow
Bachman's Sparrow (Heard only)
Chipping Sparrow
Clay-colored Sparrow
Field Sparrow
Vesper Sparrow
Lark Sparrow
Black-throated Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Grasshopper Sparrow
Nelson's Sparrow
Seaside Sparrow
Lincoln's Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow
Summer Tanager
Scarlet Tanager
Northern Cardinal
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Blue Grosbeak
Indigo Bunting
Painted Bunting
Red-winged Blackbird
Eastern Meadowlark
Yellow-headed Blackbird
Brewer's Blackbird
Common Grackle
Boat-tailed Grackle
Great-tailed Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird
Orchard Oriole
Hooded Oriole
Bullock's Oriole
Baltimore Oriole
Scott's Oriole
House Finch
Lesser Goldfinch
House Sparrow
Additional species seen/heard by me either before, during, or after the tour: